"Discover 5 Simple Techniques to Playing Over 101 Toe-tapping, Foot-stomping, Hand-clappingPraise Songs by Ear!"
... and 101 praise songs is just what I could count off the top of my head (there's plenty more)!
What most musicians don't understand is that almost ALL praise songsfollow a similar pattern. In fact, MOST praise songs share the SAME exact rhythms, chords, and bass runs --- they just have different lyrics.It's not that you have to learn 101 different songs... because once you learn the 5 easy rules I'm going to reveal on this page, you won't have to memorize hundreds of songs. You'll be able to play a countless number of songs on both the piano and organ BY EAR just by following the five steps over and over again!
Keep reading to learn how you can implement these five steps that will allow you to master tons of your favorite praise songs or click here to see video samples and if you would like to order this course... http://www.hearandplay.com/go/?p=a480396&w=gk300
Finally, you can stop bothering other musicians for tips and advice AND learn the techniques on your own. They are not as hard as you think ...
Here is what you'll gain from studying this course:
Discover the five parts to a praise song and how to recognize them with your ear. Knowing them is one thing and recognizing is another. By the end of the program, you'll NOT only be able to recognize the different parts of a praise song, BUT you'll have several options to consider when playing them (we never play the same thing over and over ... I will teach you several different ways to play EACH part).
Learn what "A-B" songs are and how they differ from "A-B-C-D" songs. This is something that hundreds of gospel musicians still don't know. It frustrates me to hear a musician playing an "A-B-C-D" praise song when they should be playing an "A-B" praise song. It is very very very important to know the differences between the two types. Yes, one is an extension of the other --- but the extensions make ALL THE DIFFERENCE. You'll learn just what I'm talking about.
How to transition between parts A, B, C, D and E of a praise song. Just because you know each part doesn't mean you'll know how to transition between each one. I will show you smooth ways of transitioning between, for example, parts A and B, or parts C and D. This is very important as it helps you to distinguish one part from the other. These transitions can also serve as "indicators" to let you know what parts are coming next.
Learn three methods to figure out what type of praise song is being sung. I will show you, step-by-step, how to classify different praise songs. You will also learn how to figure out when a praise song has transitioned from an "A-B" to an "A-B-C-D" or from an "A-B-C-D" to an "A-B" praise song. These are priceless techniques, especially if your church sings a medley of praise songs, one after the other.
Over 10 ascending and descending bass-runs to keep your praise songs sounding different each time. You never want to sound like you only know one or two bass runs. I will show you ascending, descending and chromatic bass runs for each of the five parts (a, b, c, d & e). I promise that you'll learn some new ones by the end of the program.
An "over-the-shoulders" look at exactly what I do with my right hand.Many people struggle with things to do with their right hand. I will show you several different chords to play (1-part chord progressions, 2-part chord progressions and even 3-part chord progressions). Remember... playing by ear is all about having options. If you don't have any options, you might as well be sight reading (which I have nothing against because I do both). The reality is --- in order to keep up with a charismatic service, you can't be glued to sheet music. You have toKNOW what to do and HOW to apply it in the RIGHT situation.
Several "runs" that are ready-to-use the minute I show them to you. If you feel like your music is bare, then I'll definitely give you some right-hand "runs" to consider. From pentatonic scales, to chromatically descending pentatonic scales, to one-fingered alternations, I will show you some "fill-ins" that you'll be sure to use at your next church service.
Does this sound like a course you would be interested in? If so, click here to see sample clips from this course and you can click here if you're ready to add this course to your dvd library!! http://www.hearandplay.com/go/?p=a480396&w=gk300